Full And Partial Dentures


What Are Dental Implants And Bridges?

The purpose of full and partial dentures is to replace lost teeth and improve the mouth's appearance and function.

Full Dentures: Full dentures consist of a complete set of artificial teeth mounted on an acrylic base that resembles gum tissue. They are designed especially for you to suit your mouth and give you a natural smile. Full dentures are secured in place with the help of dental adhesives or suction, providing stability and allowing for normal chewing and speaking abilities.

Partial Dentures: Partial dentures are worn to replace several lost teeth while keeping the remaining natural teeth intact. They are made out of prosthetic teeth attached to a framework made of metal or acrylic that firmly fits within your mouth. Partial dentures are held in place using clasps that anchor onto adjacent natural teeth, ensuring a comfortable fit and stable function.

How it works?

The process of getting full or partial dentures typically involves several steps:

Consultation and Examination: During your initial visit, our dental team will conduct a thorough examination of your oral health, assess your tooth replacement needs, and discuss your expectations. We will take accurate impressions/scans and measurements of your mouth to create custom dentures that fit your unique oral anatomy.

Fabrication of Dentures: Based on the impressions/scans and measurements, our dental laboratory will create a custom set of dentures specifically tailored to your mouth. The artificial teeth' color, shape, and size will be carefully chosen to match your natural teeth and enhance your smile.

Fitting and Adjustment: Once the dentures are ready, you'll return to our office for the fitting appointment. Our dental professionals will ensure that the dentures fit comfortably and securely in your mouth. Adjustments may be made to fine-tune the fit, providing optimal comfort and function.

Oral Care Instructions: Our dental team will provide detailed guidance on how to care for your dentures. This includes proper cleaning techniques, handling and storing dentures, and regular check-up schedules to monitor their condition and make any necessary adjustments.

Benefits Of Full And Partial Dentures

Full and partial dentures offer several benefits for individuals with missing teeth:

Restored Functionality: Dentures allow you to regain the ability to chew and speak properly, improving your overall quality of life. With well-fitting dentures, you can enjoy a varied diet and communicate with confidence.

Enhanced Aesthetics: Dentures provide a natural-looking smile, improving your facial appearance and boosting self-esteem. They are custom-made to fit your facial characteristics and restore your face's natural curves, giving you a younger look.

Improved Speech: Missing teeth can affect your speech, causing difficulties in pronunciation and enunciation. Dentures fill the gaps, enabling clearer speech and better communication.

Affordable Tooth Replacement: Full and partial dentures are cost-effective for replacing missing teeth. Dentures are generally more affordable than other tooth replacement options, making them accessible to a wide range of patients.

Bone Preservation: The underlying jawbone may deteriorate over time when teeth are missing. Dentures that use implants help support the jawbone's structure, preventing further bone loss and preserving its shape and density.

Convenience and Versatility: Dentures are removable, allowing for easy cleaning and maintenance. They can be cleaned at night and left in a special solution to keep them moist. Additionally, dentures can be adjusted or replaced if necessary to ensure a comfortable and precise fit.

Longevity: With proper care and regular dental check-ups, dentures can last for many years, providing reliable tooth replacement and saving you from frequent replacements or repairs.